Unhelpful High School Teacher

There are no wrong answers. are.

There are no wrong answers. are.  Unhelpful High School Teacher

As for a clarification on yesterday's lesson Gives a pop quiz

As for a clarification on yesterday's lesson Gives a pop quiz  Unhelpful High School Teacher

watching video in class today worksheet

watching video in class today worksheet  Unhelpful High School Teacher

my class requires perfect yearly attendence you won't get the finer points if you don't show up

my class requires perfect yearly attendence  you won't get the finer points if you don't show up  Unhelpful High School Teacher

you have to spend saturday morning in here with the lunch lady no need to tell you why

you have to spend saturday morning in here with the lunch lady no need to tell you why  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Give out tons of homework Spends entire class reading homework answers from back of the book

Give out tons of homework Spends entire class reading homework answers from back of the book  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Everyone got that? [One kid says yes]] Great, let's move on, class!

Everyone got that? [One kid says yes]]
Great, let's move on, class!  Unhelpful High School Teacher

English teacher. Makes a crap load of grammatical mistakes.

English teacher. Makes a crap load of grammatical mistakes.  Unhelpful High School Teacher

now tell me kids is anyone here from this fucking country?

now tell me kids is anyone here from this fucking country?  Unhelpful High School Teacher

"Recursion is too complicated for this class" DOESN'T ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND RECURSION

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