Unhelpful High School Teacher

The CEM 141 test is all multiple choice Multiple Choice letters are a-j

The CEM 141 test is all multiple choice Multiple Choice letters are a-j  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Sends Email saying that the textbooks are required for the class. Never teaches from them.

Sends Email saying that the textbooks are required for the class. Never teaches from them.  Unhelpful High School Teacher

LECTURE IS OPTIONAL But if you miss discussion with a random grad student, you fail

LECTURE IS OPTIONAL But if you miss discussion with a random grad student, you fail  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Yeah your right!! The 49ers suck cock

Yeah your right!! The 49ers suck cock  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Grade 99% Always Room for Improvement

Grade 99% Always Room for Improvement  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Grammar is important in any subject says suposabley, fustrated, and valentimes day

Grammar is important in any subject says suposabley, fustrated, and valentimes day  Unhelpful High School Teacher

has big boobies nipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nippl

has big boobies nipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nipplenipple nipple nippl  Unhelpful High School Teacher

calls on you, asks what country she's pointing at can't see the map

calls on you, asks what country she's pointing at can't see the map   Unhelpful High School Teacher

Should i use a pen or a pencil? yes

Should i use a pen or a pencil? yes  Unhelpful High School Teacher

I want an amazing film like the one you made in two months in two weeks

I want an amazing film like the one you made in two months in two weeks   Unhelpful High School Teacher
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