Unhelpful High School Teacher

Geography is for pussies *Punches south america*

Geography is for pussies *Punches south america*  Unhelpful High School Teacher

If you don't hand it in tomorrow you will get a zero on the assignment on the day of: GOod news! you have until monday.

If you don't  hand it in tomorrow you will get a zero on the assignment on the day of: GOod news! you have until monday.  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Says college is not for everyone scolds you for not taking difficult classes

Says college is not for everyone  scolds you for not taking difficult classes   Unhelpful High School Teacher

No more jobs in America? Come to Costa Rica! You too can manually mastrubate male monkeys for artificial insemination!

No more jobs in America? Come to Costa Rica! You too can manually mastrubate male monkeys for artificial insemination!  Unhelpful High School Teacher

This course is easy If you just practice an hour a night

This course is easy If you just practice an hour a night  Unhelpful High School Teacher

"I'll post the slide shows online" Never fucking posts the slides

first class in new subject expects you to know as much as they do instantly

first class in new subject expects you to know as much as they do instantly  Unhelpful High School Teacher


QETSOHU KARE JE THJESHT 1 LEZBIKE Caption 3 goes here  Unhelpful High School Teacher

life lesson #1 - always remember that the answer to your problems lay at the bottom of the bottle.

life lesson #1 - always remember that the answer to your problems lay at the bottom of the bottle.  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Your soul it's mine.

Your soul it's mine.  Unhelpful High School Teacher
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