Unhelpful High School Teacher

hands back exams in order of grades

hands back exams in order of grades  Unhelpful High School Teacher

We will havea notebook check every 6 weeks never checks it once

We will havea notebook check every 6 weeks never checks it once  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Finish work early Yells at you for being off-task

Finish work early  Yells at you for being off-task  Unhelpful High School Teacher

"quiet, class starts when the bell rings even if i'm not ready" "the bell doesn't dismiss you, i do"

laughs at your jokes one day gives you detention for talking the next day

laughs at your jokes one day  gives you detention for talking the next day  Unhelpful High School Teacher

"This year in History, we will learn about modern day society." text book was printed when Clinton was in office.

*phone rings in class* Makes huge deal about it and wastes more time than if you just ignored it.

*phone rings in class* Makes huge deal about it 
and wastes more time than 
if you just ignored it.  Unhelpful High School Teacher

take out your journals and just write whatever you're thinking about

take out your journals and just write whatever you're thinking about  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Writes "have fun!" in syllabus teaches AP Chem


Hot asian teachers helping 5th graders get wood since 1948

Hot asian teachers helping 5th graders get wood since 1948  Unhelpful High School Teacher
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