Unhelpful High School Teacher

yes boners are real i have one right now

yes boners are real i have one right now  Unhelpful High School Teacher

"Oh, don't worry class, this isn't for homework." 75% of your grade

multiple choice test choose the "best" answer

multiple choice test choose the

Both b and c are correct but b is more correct

Both b and c are correct but b is more correct  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Mad at class for failing 10 minute quiz Takes 30 minutes to solve question one on the board

Mad at class for failing 10 minute quiz Takes 30 minutes to solve question one on the board  Unhelpful High School Teacher

need to do notes? just let me turn off all the lights for the powerpoint.

need to do notes? just let me turn off all the lights for the powerpoint.  Unhelpful High School Teacher

It was in the syllabus... you're in college get your shit together

It was in the syllabus... you're in college
get your shit together  Unhelpful High School Teacher

puts up posters about bullying, respect, and equality need her permission to urinate

puts up posters about bullying, respect, and equality need her permission to urinate  Unhelpful High School Teacher

''This will be just like the test'' is absolutely nothing like the test

''This will be just like the test'' is absolutely nothing like the test  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Accepts all of your work personally and through email as to not lose it. Loses it anyway, gives you a zero then doesn't tell you. Then proceeds to ridicule you and states that you're going to fail because you don't do the work and that you'll kill yourse

Accepts all of your work personally and through email as to not lose it. Loses it anyway, gives you a zero then doesn't tell you.  Then proceeds to ridicule you and states that you're going to fail because you don't do the work and that you'll kill yourse  Unhelpful High School Teacher
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