Unhelpful High School Teacher

Finish lecture 30 minuste early? starts next weeks lecture

Finish lecture 30 minuste early? starts next weeks lecture  Unhelpful High School Teacher

whole class gets question wrong "well the answer is obvious"

whole class gets question wrong

Annie has two bikes and sells one calculate the mass of the sun

Annie has two bikes and sells one calculate the mass of the sun  Unhelpful High School Teacher

i'll kick your ass all the way to here mofo!

i'll kick your ass all the way to here mofo!  Unhelpful High School Teacher

I am the teacher I do not know anything

I am the teacher I do not know anything  Unhelpful High School Teacher

stop packing your books there's still five seconds of class left

stop packing your books there's still five seconds of class left  Unhelpful High School Teacher

sees you throw paper ball into trashcan "You could have killed someone, ONE WEEK OF DETENTIOn!"

sees you throw paper ball into trashcan

This homework is serious guys Syllabus test for completion grade

This homework is serious guys Syllabus test for completion grade  Unhelpful High School Teacher

"You guys will do fine, I taught you a lot." Didn't teach ANYthing

Welcome to grade 12 biology evolution is a myth

Welcome to grade 12 biology evolution is a myth  Unhelpful High School Teacher
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