Unhelpful High School Teacher

Because racecar

 Because racecar  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Oh, you gave up 4 shifts and spent 38 hours in the library on this 15 page paper? Here, let me give you another one

Oh, you gave up 4 shifts and spent 38 hours in the library on this 15 page paper? Here, let me give you another one  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Requires 3-ring binder doesn't hole punch anything

Requires 3-ring binder doesn't hole punch anything  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Writes "Very good" on your paper 89/100


wiggles her ass as she writes on the chalkboard inspires you with masturbation material until you turn 15

wiggles her ass as she writes on the chalkboard inspires you with masturbation material until you turn 15   Unhelpful High School Teacher

Plays video leaves cursor right in the middle of the fucking screen

Plays video leaves cursor right in the middle of the fucking screen  Unhelpful High School Teacher

By the way This class will be on Blackboard

By the way This class will be on Blackboard  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Assigns work due the Tuesday after vacation "technically I'm not assigning work over break"

Assigns work due the Tuesday after vacation

Refuses to teach about contraception "Because you guys shouldn't be having sex"

Refuses to teach about contraception

"I never assign homework" Gives you so much classwork you must finish it at home

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