Unhelpful High School Teacher

Says brain is not built for learning via lecture, Teaches only using lecture.

Says brain is not built for learning via lecture, Teaches only using lecture.   Unhelpful High School Teacher

Class wins "most books read" contest shows video as a reward

 Class wins

Roger Waters show's on sunday "Let's have a test monday"

Roger Waters show's on sunday

tells you to pay attention to the video and answer questions video has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything you are "learning".

tells you to pay attention to the video and answer questions video has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything you are

I have my PhD in Education! What do you call K-12 school? Just school?

I have my PhD in Education! What do you call K-12 school? Just school?  Unhelpful High School Teacher

tells you that you can read when finished gets you in trouble for reading

tells you that you can read when finished gets you in trouble for reading  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Urges you to spend at least a week working on an assignment Finishes explaining how to do it the day before it's due

Urges you to spend at least a week working on an assignment  Finishes explaining how to do it the day before it's due  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Requires students to keep a binder doesn't hole punch handouts

Requires students to keep a binder doesn't hole punch handouts  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Everything in this Review Packet will be on the final exam Final Examen is nothing like review packet

Everything in this Review Packet will be on the final exam Final Examen is nothing like review packet  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Encourages asking questions in class Gets annoyed when someone needs something explained

Encourages asking questions in class Gets annoyed when someone needs something explained  Unhelpful High School Teacher
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