Unhelpful High School Teacher

"What's that? I'm right?" "Good, now shut up"

Notes are literally straight from book, yet somehow unhelpful on tests Takes attendance every day

Notes are literally straight from book, yet somehow unhelpful on tests Takes attendance every day  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Says wikipedia is not a reliable resource assigns textbook that cites wikipedia

Says wikipedia is not a reliable resource assigns textbook that cites wikipedia  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Isn't it nice that i made a powerpoint for your notes? shows each slide for 2 seconds

Isn't it nice that i made a powerpoint for your notes? shows each slide for 2 seconds  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Says wikipedia is not a reliable resource lectures word for word off of wikipedia

Says wikipedia is not a reliable resource lectures word for word off of wikipedia   Unhelpful High School Teacher

Hello my name is Dr. so-and-so. You take my class? Prepare to Die!

Hello my name is Dr. so-and-so.  You take my class? Prepare to Die!  Unhelpful High School Teacher

her class has no real life application makes it the hardest subject you've ever had

her class has no real life application makes it the hardest subject you've ever had  Unhelpful High School Teacher

The site is on the board https://sites.google.com/site/12ewwq56789fddjkkeklkfdslkfal22fk/.ev/34?325624/0fds95y3235jbd3256299oo=1000

The site is on the board https://sites.google.com/site/12ewwq56789fddjkkeklkfdslkfal22fk/.ev/34?325624/0fds95y3235jbd3256299oo=1000  Unhelpful High School Teacher

All you have to do is whhsfjsDLJHBJKEHF kjdh'xa;lrjg I don't see how that could be any clearer

All you have to do is whhsfjsDLJHBJKEHF kjdh'xa;lrjg I don't see how that could be any clearer  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Announces a test will be on friday Gone entire week

Announces a test will be on friday Gone entire week  Unhelpful High School Teacher
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