Unhelpful High School Teacher

Makes you buy textbook for over $100 Doesn't want it bought back for next year

Makes you buy textbook for over $100 Doesn't want it bought back for next year  Unhelpful High School Teacher

enforces harsh attendance policy except for her favorite students

enforces harsh attendance policy except for her favorite students  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Expects you to explain every single detail gives you minimal space for answer

Expects you to explain every single detail gives you minimal space for answer  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Asks to go to the bathroom before class starts and teacher says ok Still marks me late

Asks to go to the bathroom before class starts and teacher says ok Still marks me late  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Says don't use sparknotes only asks questions even people that read can't answer

Says don't use sparknotes only asks questions even people that read can't answer  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Papers are due tomorrow, I don't care how busy you are.. doesn't grade them for months, too busy

Papers are due tomorrow, I don't care how busy you are..  doesn't grade them for months, too busy  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Tells you to finish what you started never got teaching credential

Tells you to finish what you started never got teaching credential  Unhelpful High School Teacher

teaches AP Course Homework every night to read

teaches AP Course Homework every night to read   Unhelpful High School Teacher

Use Wordart It's Professional!

Use Wordart It's Professional!  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Students ask her to take her own test She fails it

Students ask her to take her own test She fails it  Unhelpful High School Teacher
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