Unhelpful High School Teacher

"We're going to have a discussion." Railroads class into her way of thinking.

Gives back test if you remembered every little thing i said, this test would have been easy

Gives back test if you remembered every little thing i said, this test would have been easy  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Forget about Stoichiometry Lets talk about moonshine

Forget about Stoichiometry Lets talk about moonshine  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Was actually hard-working and diligent You were just a lowbrow selfish prick

Was actually hard-working and diligent  You were just a lowbrow selfish prick  Unhelpful High School Teacher

You followed the rubric exactly? Oh well. No one is perfect.

You followed the rubric exactly? Oh well.                            No one is perfect.  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Teacher catches you passing a note in class Reads it and you immediately get sent to the V.p. office

Teacher catches you passing a note in class Reads it and you immediately get sent to the V.p. office  Unhelpful High School Teacher

"You must bring your textbook everyday." use book twice

Reads entire lecture word for word from the powerpoint Refuses to post powerpoint online

Reads entire lecture word for word from the powerpoint Refuses to post powerpoint online  Unhelpful High School Teacher

student fails blames me

student fails blames me  Unhelpful High School Teacher

What's your opinion on the topic? WRONG!

What's your opinion on the topic? WRONG!  Unhelpful High School Teacher
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