Unhelpful High School Teacher

made an exam review lists every topic even briefly covered

made an exam review lists every topic even briefly covered  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Student with erection Come to the chalkboard and show us 5+5

Student with erection Come to the chalkboard and show us 5+5  Unhelpful High School Teacher

At the beginning of time there was this big bang if you don't believe in it, you're an idiot.

At the beginning of time there was this big bang if you don't believe in it, you're an idiot.  Unhelpful High School Teacher

next class super important to attend on freerice.com for first half of class

next class super important to attend on freerice.com for first half of class  Unhelpful High School Teacher

I'm older than you your argument is invalid

I'm older than you your argument is invalid  Unhelpful High School Teacher

remember that project i only mentioned during syllabus week? its due tuesday

remember that project i only mentioned during syllabus week? its due tuesday  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Advices you take notes Equations always on top of test

Advices you take notes Equations always on top of test  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Hand in a feminist paper. Automatic minimum of an A-

Hand in a feminist paper. Automatic minimum of an A-  Unhelpful High School Teacher

makes a mistake blames the class for not pointing it out

makes a mistake blames the class for not pointing it out  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Gives impossible CALC AB Test "This was so easy! The BC kids laughed at you!"

Gives impossible CALC AB Test
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