Typical Feminist

Mothers are best for children Even though they cause most of the abuse.

Mothers are best for children Even though they cause most of the abuse.  Typical Feminist

stop sexually objectifying me! and buy my calendar in which i pose nude

stop sexually objectifying me! and buy my calendar in which i pose nude  Typical Feminist

"feminists just invent discrimination for pity!" hated for being a feminist, regardless of actual views

I'm empowered! I can lie and get you fired

I'm empowered! I can lie and get you fired  Typical Feminist

Wants to be treated like a human being, not just as a woman. Reddit: "Tits or get the fuck out!" "Make me a sammich" "Get back in the kitchen."

Wants to be treated like a human being, not just as a woman. Reddit:

get's downvoted for making abrasive, uncited, ad hominem arguments that do not contribute to the discussion at hand "help, help srs! I'm being martyred by the patriarchy!"

get's downvoted for making abrasive, uncited, ad hominem arguments that do not contribute to the discussion at hand
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