Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I've been to r/spacedicks TWICE!

I'll have you know, I've been to r/spacedicks TWICE!  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I just did 10 pushups And only almost passed out

I'll have you know, I just did 10 pushups And only almost passed out  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I once made the front page while most americans were sleeping

I'll have you know, I once made the front page while most americans were sleeping  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know that I drank a glass of warm milk and i'm still awake

I'll have you know that I drank a glass of warm milk and i'm still awake  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I ran into Slenderman last night and I only cried for about thirty minutes

I'll have you know, I ran into Slenderman last night and I only cried for about thirty minutes  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know I got pulled over by a cop today and got a ticket for driving 10 miles below the speed limit

I'll have you know I got pulled over by a cop today and got a ticket  for driving 10 miles below the speed limit  Tough Spongebob

Bitch said fuck off So i gave her the "d"

Bitch said fuck off So i gave her the

I'll have you know that residency starts in two weeks And I've only had five anxiety attacks

I'll have you know that residency starts in two weeks  And I've only had five anxiety attacks   Tough Spongebob

I'll Have you know I once agreed to a software license without reading it

I'll Have you know I once agreed to a software license without reading it  Tough Spongebob

A hoe does not simply think she's ''Wifey Type''

A hoe does not simply think she's ''Wifey Type''  Tough Spongebob
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