Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I broke my arm and i only cried for 2 days

I'll have you know, I broke my arm and i only cried for 2 days  Tough Spongebob

no fap september made it 24 hours.

no fap september made it 24 hours.  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I saw Mufasa die and i only cried for 20 minutes

I'll have you know, I saw Mufasa die and i only cried for 20 minutes  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I drink water 24 hours a day

I'll have you know, I drink water 24 hours a day  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I heard Gangnam Style when it only had 3 million views on Youtube

I'll have you know, I heard Gangnam Style when it only had 3 million views on Youtube  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I live on the east coast and am not worried about the storm.

I'll have you know, I live on the east coast and am not worried about the storm.  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I just did my entire crossword in pen

I'll have you know,  I just did my entire crossword in pen  Tough Spongebob

yeah i've made the front page of askreddit

yeah i've made the front page of askreddit  Tough Spongebob

All I have to say is cancer is for pussies. Real men die in school shootings.

All I have to say is cancer is for pussies. Real men die in school shootings.  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, we beat Barca Swag.

I'll have you know, we beat Barca  Swag.  Tough Spongebob
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