Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I repaired a light fixture hardwired into my house and only consulted the internet 7 times, shocked myself 5 times, and made 3 trips to home depot

I'll have you know, I repaired a light fixture hardwired into my house and only consulted the internet 7 times, shocked myself 5 times, and made 3 trips to home depot  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I went on a Disney website without asking my parents permission

I'll have you know, I went on a Disney website without asking my parents permission  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I editted a picture and did so using only microsoft paint.

I'll have you know, I editted a picture and did so using only microsoft paint.  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know I beat Final Fantasy X and I only cried for 20 minutes

I'll have you know I beat Final Fantasy X and I only cried for 20 minutes  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I'm witty and I can repost witty things

I'll have you know, I'm witty and I can repost witty things  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I passed the entrance exam to get into beauty school

I'll have you know, I passed the entrance exam to get into beauty school  Tough Spongebob

You see, I've been single for over 14 years and never complained about it on the internet

You see, I've been single for over 14 years and never complained about it on the internet  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I went on r/spiders And only cried for 20 minutes

I'll have you know, I went on r/spiders And only cried for 20 minutes  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I watched the hulk hogan sex tape and only cried for 30 minutes

I'll have you know, I watched the hulk hogan sex tape and only cried for 30 minutes  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, i removed the mattress tag

I'll have you know, i removed the mattress tag  Tough Spongebob
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