Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I just assembled an IKEA bookshelf and only cried for 20 minutes

I'll have you know, I just assembled an IKEA bookshelf and only cried for 20 minutes  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know I have made it the front page without reposting

I'll have you know I have made it the front page without reposting  Tough Spongebob

The heat have finally lost, about time now i can go jump on the Spurs wagon Hows my Stephen A. Smith impression?

The heat have finally lost, about time now i can go jump on the Spurs wagon  Hows my  Stephen A. Smith impression?   Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, my roommate moved out yesterday and i've only cried 6 times.

I'll have you know, my roommate moved out yesterday and i've only cried 6 times.  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I once drove a hamburger Without a license

I'll have you know, I once drove a hamburger Without a license  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I stubbed my toe and i only cried for 20 minutes

I'll have you know, I stubbed my toe and i only cried for 20 minutes  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know, I once went on without my parents' permission

I'll have you know, I once went on without my parents' permission  Tough Spongebob

How tough am I? When I get mad I make a meme instead of addressing the issue

How tough am I? When I get mad I make a meme instead of addressing the issue  Tough Spongebob

Ill have you know that i'm a nice guy and i've only been friend zoned 96 times

Ill have you know that i'm a nice guy and i've only been friend zoned 96 times  Tough Spongebob

I'll have you know that I learned how to drive standard today And only stalled the car three times

I'll have you know that I learned how to drive standard today And only stalled the car three times  Tough Spongebob
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