Too Damn High

The cost to park on campus is too damn high!

The cost to park on campus is too damn high!  Too Damn High

One end of that shelf is too damn high. Leaving it crooked and potentially dangerous. I'd have a professional take a look as soon as you can, and remove any weight from the shelf until the professional has had a chance to check things out.

One end of that shelf is too damn high.  Leaving it crooked and potentially dangerous. I'd have a professional take a look as soon as you can, and remove any weight from the shelf until the professional has had a chance to check things out.   Too Damn High

The res is too damn high

The res is too damn high  Too Damn High

The swag level is too damn high

The swag level is too damn high  Too Damn High

The moto X is a decent Midrange device But the price is just too damn high

The moto X is a decent Midrange device But the price is just too damn high  Too Damn High

The amount of poorly made UMass Memes is too damn high

The amount of poorly made UMass Memes is too damn high  Too Damn High

The amount of time it takes for curse client to respond is too damn high

The amount of time it takes for curse client to respond is too damn high  Too Damn High

the amount of pedestrians almost hit by turning cars is too damn high

the amount of pedestrians almost hit by turning cars is too damn high  Too Damn High

the number of error 37 is too damn high

the number of error 37 is too damn high  Too Damn High

the price of next gen consoles is too damn high

the price of next gen consoles is too damn high  Too Damn High
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