Too Damn High

your standards are too damn high

your standards are too damn high  Too Damn High

the ticket count is too damn high

the ticket count is too damn high  Too Damn High

plugging in a power cable in the dark is too damn hard

plugging in a power cable in the dark is too damn hard  Too Damn High

Girls on that '70s show your pants are too damn high

Girls on that '70s show  your pants are too damn high  Too Damn High

the number of cheatin ass chinese kids in chinese 2 is too damn high!

the number of cheatin ass chinese kids in chinese 2  is too damn high!  Too Damn High

My girlfriend is too damn bi

My girlfriend  is too damn bi  Too Damn High

The temperature in UIC's Student Services Building is too damn high

The temperature in UIC's Student Services Building is too damn high  Too Damn High

The amount of "What society thinks I do" posts is too damn high!

The amount of

the amount of dust behind my desk is too damn high

the amount of dust behind my desk is too damn high  Too Damn High

The amount of purge jokes on Ifunny Is too damn high

The amount of purge jokes on Ifunny Is too damn high  Too Damn High
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