Tolerable Facebook Girl

Is in a relationship doesnt boast about it

Is in a relationship doesnt boast about it  Tolerable Facebook Girl

Ex Boyfriend's status calls her a slut Doesn't comment

Ex Boyfriend's status calls her a slut  Doesn't comment   Tolerable Facebook Girl

HER sports team is raising money for a trip to the finals you never find out

HER sports team is raising money for a trip to the finals  you never find out  Tolerable Facebook Girl

Sunday morning Is pregnant Caption 3 goes here

Sunday morning Is pregnant Caption 3 goes here  Tolerable Facebook Girl

Doesn't tag you In photos you're not in

Doesn't tag you In photos you're not in  Tolerable Facebook Girl

friday morning doesn't post status saying "it's nearly the weekend, woop woop!!!"

friday morning  doesn't post status saying

monday morning i gave my man the best head at his desk and he screamed like a little girl. i smiled and told him to man up BITCH!!

monday morning i gave my man the best head at his desk and he screamed like a little girl.
i smiled and told him to man up BITCH!!  Tolerable Facebook Girl

Has a Huge test tomorrow nobody knows about it

Has a Huge test tomorrow nobody knows about it  Tolerable Facebook Girl

posts status lamenting friend's death actually explains how friend died

posts status lamenting friend's death actually explains how friend died  Tolerable Facebook Girl

Bash's girl that takes annoying mirror pictures and makes stupid statuses about her boyfriend and how amazing he is... Actually isn't that girl that takes annoying mirror pictures and makes stupid statuses about her boyfriend and how amazing he is.

Bash's girl that takes annoying mirror pictures and makes stupid statuses about her boyfriend and how amazing he is... Actually isn't that girl that takes annoying mirror pictures and makes stupid statuses about her boyfriend and how amazing he is.   Tolerable Facebook Girl
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