The Rock Driving

Yeah, NeoN is healing up. But Faplord is still stealing members.

Yeah, NeoN is healing up. But Faplord is still stealing members.  The Rock Driving

I hate Will McCarthy and all his trolling Archmere friends You know Bill, they are kinda funny.

I hate Will McCarthy  and all his trolling Archmere friends You know Bill, they are kinda funny.  The Rock Driving

Finally got done with that 12 page essay for the class. You forgot to submit it to Eport!

Finally got done with that 12 page essay for the class. You forgot to submit it to Eport!  The Rock Driving

hoy por fin empezamos con las reuniones scrum, hemos invertido mucho en la capacitacion y en mentalizar al personal en la nueva forma de hacer las cosas y compraron los post-it?

hoy por fin empezamos con las reuniones scrum, hemos invertido mucho en la capacitacion y en mentalizar al personal en la nueva forma de hacer las cosas y compraron los post-it?  The Rock Driving

I am the best Taxi driver here But i thought Rosli From Woodlands is the best?

I am the best Taxi driver here But i thought Rosli From Woodlands is the best?  The Rock Driving

I really like this new Dream theater album. I wonder what they'll do next? That was just the first track.

I really like this new Dream theater album. I wonder what they'll do next? That was just the first track.  The Rock Driving

Wilmoth's a terrible teacher, he doesn't even teach half the time. I got an A and I barely studied.

Wilmoth's a terrible teacher, he doesn't even teach half the time. I got an A and I barely studied.  The Rock Driving

Man, this Walking Dead show sounds kick ass! No, people just argue and sometimes zombies show up...

Man, this Walking Dead show sounds kick ass! No, people just argue and sometimes zombies show up...  The Rock Driving

so what do you think i should get my father for fathers day? That was yesterday

so what do you think i should get my father for fathers day? That was yesterday  The Rock Driving

Why do you guys always say "It's been a while..."? Its a lyric from one of our songs.

Why do you guys always say
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