The Ole Miss Philosopher

When are taxes due? Yesterday!

When are taxes due? Yesterday!  The Ole Miss Philosopher

I agree with Pascal that To have no time for philosophy is to be a true philosopher...loosely translated as go to Hell LSU

I agree with Pascal that  To have no time for philosophy is to be a true philosopher...loosely translated as go to Hell LSU  The Ole Miss Philosopher

Loves Animals? Took Environmental Philosophy three times under three course numbers

Loves Animals? Took Environmental Philosophy three times under three course numbers  The Ole Miss Philosopher

Reading Hume makes me sleepy in class

Reading Hume makes me sleepy in class  The Ole Miss Philosopher

Loves Animals? Took Environmental Philosophy three times under three course numbers

Loves Animals? Took Environmental Philosophy three times under three course numbers  The Ole Miss Philosopher

Whereof one cannot speak one must be silent. Can talk about anything

Whereof one cannot speak one must be silent. Can talk about anything  The Ole Miss Philosopher
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