The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always connect the usb on the first try but when i do i stick it in the hdmi port

I don't always connect the usb on the first try but when i do i stick it in the hdmi port  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always grow a mustache but when i do, I look like a pedophile

I don't always grow a mustache but when i do, I look like a pedophile   The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always write in a minor key but when I do, I resolve with the picardy third

I don't always write in a minor key but when I do, I resolve with the picardy third  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always show up late to class, but when I do, I make sure to show up exactly 16 minutes late.

I don't always show up late to class, but when I do, I make sure to show up exactly 16 minutes late.  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always drink mountain dew but when I do, it's because it's sponsoring halo

I don't always drink mountain dew but when I do, it's because it's sponsoring halo  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always reddit while I poop actually, Yes I do

I don't always reddit while I poop actually, Yes I do  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't post a lot, but when I do, its usually something meaning-full

I don't post a lot, but when I do, its usually something meaning-full  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't get blitzed incredibly often But when I do, it's Twitter GOLD.

I don't get blitzed incredibly often But when I do, it's Twitter GOLD.  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always suggest a new Brain Initiative but when I do Obama throws down a cool $100 Mil

I don't always suggest a new Brain Initiative but when I do Obama throws down a cool $100 Mil  The Most Interesting Man In The World

i don't always wear shirts with cute little phrases on them but when i do it's just how i roll

i don't always wear shirts with cute little phrases on them but when i do it's just how i roll  The Most Interesting Man In The World
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