The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always nominate professors for teaching awards but when i do, I nominate Don Wardell

I don't always nominate professors for teaching awards but when i do, I nominate Don Wardell  The Most Interesting Man In The World

i don't always hug my dad but when i do, i hug mom first or i get pimp slapped

i don't always hug my dad but when i do, i hug mom first or i get pimp slapped  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always root for Michigan, but when I do they always let me down.

I don't always root for Michigan, but when I do they always let me down.  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't alwasy watch women's tennis but when I do, I look to see if womens volleyball is on instead

I don't alwasy watch women's tennis  but when I do, I look to see if womens volleyball is on instead   The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always shorten lessons but when i do, i add 5 more

I don't always shorten lessons but when i do, i add 5 more  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't Always Enjoy Family Guy But when I do, I'm High as fuck

I don't Always Enjoy Family Guy But when I do, I'm High as fuck  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I'm not always at water polo and swim practice... actually yes, yes i am. i need to get a life.

I'm not always at water polo and swim practice...  actually yes, yes i am. i need to get a life.  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always play sevens but when i do, i fuck everyone else over

I don't always play sevens but when i do, i fuck everyone else over  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always go in for surgery but when I do, they give me a lot of painkillers

I don't always go in for surgery but when I do, they give me a lot of painkillers  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always care about music videos or song lyrics But when I do...i don't

I don't always care about music videos or song lyrics But when I do...i don't  The Most Interesting Man In The World
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