The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always make mistakes on 4/4 half note passages, But when i do, it's in front of the conductor.

I don't always make mistakes on 4/4 half note passages, But when i do, it's in front of the conductor.  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always make a sarcastic comment But when i do, it gets completely misinterpreted

I don't always make a sarcastic comment  But when i do, it gets completely misinterpreted  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always make my own pasta sauce but when I do, it's to impress a cute girl

I don't always make my own pasta sauce but when I do, it's to impress a cute girl  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always find a new song I like but when I do, I listen to it nonstop until I can't stand it

I don't always find a new song I like  but when I do, I listen to it nonstop until I can't stand it  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always post links to reddit but when i do, i spend the rest of the day checking my karma

I don't always post links to reddit but when i do, i spend the rest of the day checking my karma  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always browse r/gonewild But when i do, i make a point to downvote any [m]ale posts

I don't always browse r/gonewild But when i do, i make a point to downvote any [m]ale posts  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always use semicolons; but when I do, I'm pretty sure I'm using them incorrectly

I don't always use semicolons; but when I do, I'm pretty sure I'm using them incorrectly  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always take pain medication But when i do, I take more then the recommended dose

I don't always take pain medication But when i do, I take more then the recommended dose  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I Don't always get killed by bots in osok but when i do, its a blindfire

I Don't always get killed by bots in osok but when i do, its a blindfire  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always get mosquito bites but when i do, they bite my ankles. only my ankles

I don't always get mosquito bites but when i do, they bite my ankles. only my ankles  The Most Interesting Man In The World
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