Thats a paddlin

Mentioning the 2008 season to a Detroit Lions fan That's a Paddlin'

Mentioning the 2008 season to a Detroit Lions fan That's a Paddlin'  Thats a paddlin

Bitching about karma? That's a downvote

Bitching about karma? That's a downvote  Thats a paddlin

The uploader has not made this video available in your country? That's a downvote

The uploader has not made this video available in your country? That's a downvote  Thats a paddlin

OP won't post pics of inside safe That's a paddlin'

OP won't post pics of inside safe That's a paddlin'  Thats a paddlin

Comparing the Rider's Helmet to the Lions' Thats a paddlin'

Comparing the Rider's Helmet to the Lions' Thats a paddlin'  Thats a paddlin

DCd, That's a kickin. Low dps, thats a kickin. Face pulled the boss, oh you Better believe that's a kickin

DCd, That's a kickin. Low dps, thats a kickin. Face pulled the boss, oh you Better believe that's a kickin  Thats a paddlin

Playing League of Legends That's a paddlin'

Playing League of Legends That's a paddlin'  Thats a paddlin

Every day for weeks?! That's a towin'

Every day for weeks?! That's a towin'  Thats a paddlin

Thinking about drinking this weekend That's a Paddlin'

Thinking about drinking this weekend That's a Paddlin'  Thats a paddlin

Incorrect margins and formatting? That's a paddlin'

Incorrect margins and formatting? That's a paddlin'  Thats a paddlin
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