Tech Impaired Duck

creates meme for r/anarchomemes submits it to r/anarchism

creates meme for r/anarchomemes submits it to r/anarchism  Tech Impaired Duck

creates call ticket that requires user interaction immediately leaves for month long vacation

creates call ticket that requires user interaction immediately leaves for month long vacation  Tech Impaired Duck

Uses Dial up has 3.0Ghz i7 quad core, 8 gigs of RAM, Solid State HDD, Nvidia fx 5800.

Uses Dial up has 3.0Ghz i7 quad core, 8 gigs of RAM, Solid State HDD, Nvidia fx 5800.
  Tech Impaired Duck

Submitting your credit card info online is not safe im going to phone my order in

Submitting your credit card info online is not safe im going to phone my order in  Tech Impaired Duck

Press any key to continue? I can't find the 'any' key

Press any key to continue? I can't find the 'any' key  Tech Impaired Duck

Missing Desktop Icons MY PROGRAMS ARE GONE!!!

Missing Desktop Icons MY PROGRAMS ARE GONE!!!  Tech Impaired Duck

"What have you tried so far to fix this issue?" EVERYTHING

expects to get on front page chooses this text

expects to get on front page chooses this text  Tech Impaired Duck

caught texting picutres of penis hacked

caught texting picutres of penis hacked  Tech Impaired Duck

Attempts to make meme Uses Comic Sans

Attempts to make meme Uses Comic Sans  Tech Impaired Duck
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