Tea Party Ted

Thomas Jefferson is God . I even like the parts about his slave-owning.

Thomas Jefferson is God . I even like the parts about his slave-owning.  Tea Party Ted

how dare you call me a racist! some of my best friends are wetbacks and towelheads

how dare you call me a racist! some of my best friends are wetbacks and towelheads  Tea Party Ted

Hates the big federal government Voted for warrantless Federal Wiretaps

Hates the big federal government Voted for warrantless 
Federal Wiretaps  Tea Party Ted

part of the 53% that pay all taxes not paying fair share!

part of the 53% that pay all taxes not paying fair share!  Tea Party Ted

supports black candidate wrong black candidate. racist!

supports black candidate wrong black candidate.  racist!   Tea Party Ted

liberals don't care about democracy better steal their signatures and shred them

liberals don't care about democracy better steal their signatures and shred them  Tea Party Ted

Yells at Occupy Wallstreet protesters to get a job Got laid off last year, still collects unemployment

Yells at Occupy Wallstreet protesters to get a job Got laid off last year, still collects unemployment  Tea Party Ted

criticizes obama for attending a basketball game never misses watching a football game

criticizes obama for attending a basketball game never misses watching a football game  Tea Party Ted
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