Tea Party Ted

reposts bizarre conspiracy rantings from some deranged website "Wake up!"

reposts bizarre conspiracy rantings from some deranged website

supports herman cain Racist!

supports herman cain Racist!   Tea Party Ted

opposes social programs recieves medicare and medicaid benefits

opposes social programs recieves medicare and medicaid benefits  Tea Party Ted

George W. Bush Raised debt ceiling 7 times, obama once obama is a dictator

George W. Bush Raised debt ceiling 7 times, obama once obama is a dictator  Tea Party Ted

George H.W. Bush raised debt ceiling 9 times, obama once Obama is a dictator

George H.W. Bush raised debt ceiling 9 times, obama once Obama is a dictator  Tea Party Ted

sarah palin gets history wrong wikipedia must protect history articles from tea partiers

sarah palin gets history wrong wikipedia must protect history articles from tea partiers  Tea Party Ted

"socialism is evil" doesn't know what it means

Quotes the declaration of independence thinks its from constitution

Quotes the declaration of independence thinks its from constitution   Tea Party Ted

dodged vietnam draft thinks its unamerican to oppose iraq war

dodged vietnam draft thinks its unamerican to oppose iraq war  Tea Party Ted

opposes social programs sends kids to college with pell grants

opposes social programs sends kids to college with pell grants  Tea Party Ted
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