Sudden Clarity Clarence

/r/atheism primarily discusses anger toward religion and support for LGBT people Because the increasing population of atheists is largely a result of cognitive dissonance between what religion teaches and what actually seems like the right way to treat pe

/r/atheism primarily discusses anger toward religion and support for LGBT people Because the increasing population of atheists is largely a result of cognitive dissonance between what religion teaches and what actually seems like the right way to treat pe  Sudden Clarity Clarence

italian immigrants in the late 20th century were highly concentrated in the street and sewer work industry mario bros

italian immigrants in the late 20th century were highly concentrated in the street and sewer work industry mario bros   Sudden Clarity Clarence

I've seen so many things I can never unsee That I've forgotten half of them

I've seen so many things I can never unsee That I've forgotten half of them   Sudden Clarity Clarence

the global elite spend millions of dollars making muslims look like they enemy because they dont want people to know islam is the truth

the global elite spend millions of dollars making muslims look like they enemy because they dont want people to know islam is the truth  Sudden Clarity Clarence

entei's body temperature is muy cali-entei

entei's body temperature is muy cali-entei  Sudden Clarity Clarence

boobytrap backwards is partyboob

boobytrap backwards is partyboob  Sudden Clarity Clarence

The Daily bugle always attacks spiderman because spiders are normally hit with rolled up newspaper

The Daily bugle always attacks spiderman
 because spiders are normally hit with rolled up newspaper  Sudden Clarity Clarence

I feel judged when doing something because I judge others in the same situation.

I feel judged when doing something because I judge others in the same situation.  Sudden Clarity Clarence

holy shit i'm an adult

holy shit i'm an adult  Sudden Clarity Clarence

When we do the "(s)he loves me, (s)he loves me not" thing we're torturing a flower for information

When we do the
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