Sudden Clarity Clarence

Inverted makes sense If you think of the stick tilting as your neck

Inverted makes sense If you think of the stick tilting as your neck  Sudden Clarity Clarence

I get the most comment karma from the comments I post in r/atheism because freethinkers are the only people who read everything they are given

I get the most comment karma from the comments I post in r/atheism because freethinkers are the only people who read everything they are given  Sudden Clarity Clarence

That chick who showed me naked pictures of herself and her female friend wanted to have sex with me

That chick who showed me naked pictures of herself and her female friend wanted to have sex with me  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Babies in r/awww Are like dicks in r/gonewild

Babies in r/awww Are like dicks in r/gonewild  Sudden Clarity Clarence

everything that didn't make sense in christianity is clarified in islam

everything that didn't make sense in christianity is clarified in islam  Sudden Clarity Clarence

If tomatoes are really a fruit Then ketchup is actually jam

If tomatoes are really a fruit
 Then ketchup is actually jam  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Optimus is spelled with seven letters. Seven is a prime number. Optimus is prime.

Optimus is spelled with seven letters. Seven is a prime number.  Optimus is prime.  Sudden Clarity Clarence

None of the kids admitted to farting because it was the teacher

None of the kids admitted to farting because it was the teacher   Sudden Clarity Clarence

holy shit Arrested Development was a good show

holy shit Arrested Development was a good show  Sudden Clarity Clarence

The Executive branch decided to tell us the Syrians used chemical weapons on their own people to distract us from the fact that the NSA is collecting our data

The Executive branch decided to tell us the Syrians used chemical weapons on their own people to distract us from the fact that the NSA is collecting our data  Sudden Clarity Clarence
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