Sudden Clarity Clarence

The names, Landon and Sean, are the two default names in Ruby and sapphire Because of the theme of Land V.s. SEa

The names, Landon and Sean, are the two default names in Ruby and sapphire Because of the theme of
 Land V.s. SEa  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Piggy banks invented so jews won't touch your money

Piggy banks invented so jews won't touch your money  Sudden Clarity Clarence

PEOPLE use to go on quests to answer "quest"ions

PEOPLE use to go on quests to answer

They faked a Morgan Freeman AMA To COAX Morgan freeman to do an actual AMA

They faked a Morgan Freeman AMA To COAX Morgan freeman to do an actual AMA  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Bums are broke, I'm in debt I'm poorer than bums

Bums are broke, I'm in debt I'm poorer than bums  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Reddit is like hollywood Everyone competes all the time for a tiny moment of fame

Reddit is like hollywood Everyone competes all the time for a tiny moment of fame  Sudden Clarity Clarence

All the christians who talk to FB god are actually redditors

All the christians who talk to FB god are actually redditors  Sudden Clarity Clarence

People thank god to feel like they actually did something to help

People thank god to feel like they actually did something to help  Sudden Clarity Clarence

If mankind were to ever invent time travel we'd already have it

If mankind were to ever invent time travel we'd already have it  Sudden Clarity Clarence

It's actually like santa claus Except everyone believes it

It's actually like santa claus Except everyone believes it  Sudden Clarity Clarence
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