Sudden Clarity Clarence

kenny can't talk because lower class america has no voice

kenny can't talk because lower class america has no voice  Sudden Clarity Clarence

The simpsons Is older than the internet

The simpsons Is older than the internet  Sudden Clarity Clarence

men are paid more than women because women expect men to buy them dinners and drinks

men are paid more than women because women expect men to buy them dinners and drinks  Sudden Clarity Clarence

For the North koreans the olympics are like the hunger games

For the North koreans the olympics are like the hunger games  Sudden Clarity Clarence

There are so many inside jokes on the front page Because only hardcore redditors bother to upvote

There are so many inside jokes on the front page Because only hardcore redditors bother to upvote  Sudden Clarity Clarence

3rd World Skeptical Child is first world problems with more white guilt

3rd World Skeptical Child is first world problems with more white guilt  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan Represents Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan.

Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan Represents Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan.  Sudden Clarity Clarence

ugly and Antisocial girls Have some of the best bodies I've ever seen

ugly and Antisocial girls Have some of the best bodies I've ever seen  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Letters to the Editor are like internet forums for old people.

Letters to the Editor are like internet forums for old people.   Sudden Clarity Clarence

"For Science" Is "YOLO" for nerds

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