Sudden Clarity Clarence

Milk Shakes bringing boys to the yard refers to big boobs jiggling

Milk Shakes bringing boys to the yard refers to big boobs jiggling  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Earth is the third planet from the sun so technically we all live in thrid world countries

Earth is the third planet from the sun so technically we all live in thrid world countries  Sudden Clarity Clarence

I only use Private Browsing when I'm browsing privates

I only use Private Browsing when I'm browsing privates  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Pandas are dying out as a species Because their pickup lines are terrible

Pandas are dying out as a species Because their pickup lines are terrible  Sudden Clarity Clarence

The GOP tries to appeal to conservative Christians because they've already shown themselves to be gullible

The GOP tries to appeal to conservative Christians  because they've already shown themselves to be gullible   Sudden Clarity Clarence

all of our problems are third world problems

all of our problems are third world problems  Sudden Clarity Clarence

If we taxed churches like we do third class citizens and fund education we could cut college tuition rates by 50% and have more scholarships in 3 years

If we taxed churches  like we do third class citizens and fund education we could cut college tuition rates by 50% and have more scholarships in 3 years  Sudden Clarity Clarence

poe was from baltimore that's why they're called the ravens

poe was from baltimore that's why they're called the ravens  Sudden Clarity Clarence


diarrhea   Sudden Clarity Clarence

It's impossible to prepare for a debate against mitt romney there's no way to know what his policies will be

It's impossible to prepare for a debate against mitt romney there's no way to know what his policies will be  Sudden Clarity Clarence
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