Sudden Clarity Clarence

Vader means father in German George Lucas gives away the whole trilogy in the first few minutes of the first episode

Vader means father in German George Lucas gives away the whole trilogy in the first few minutes of the first episode   Sudden Clarity Clarence

r/atheism is just as intolerant as the religions they talk about

r/atheism is just as intolerant as the religions they talk about  Sudden Clarity Clarence

all meme dad does is explain the correct usage of memes

all meme dad does is explain the correct usage of memes  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Religions are just cults that are really old and popular

Religions are just cults that are really old and popular  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Holy shit reddit stole my soul a year ago

Holy shit reddit stole my soul a year ago  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Your mum's opinion of you is like the automatic upvote you get after a post

Your mum's opinion of you is like the automatic upvote you get after a post  Sudden Clarity Clarence

People who post good guy greg are just secretly bragging about things they do

People who post good guy greg  are just secretly bragging about things they do  Sudden Clarity Clarence

wife always orders food I don't like so she doesn't have to share

wife always orders food I don't like so she doesn't have to share  Sudden Clarity Clarence

If characters in Star Trek use universal translators Then Picard has been speaking French the entire time

If characters in Star Trek use universal translators Then Picard has been speaking French the entire time  Sudden Clarity Clarence

The R-B in arby's doesn't stand for roast beef It stands for raffel brothers, the restaurant's founders

The R-B in arby's doesn't stand for roast beef It stands for raffel brothers, the restaurant's founders  Sudden Clarity Clarence
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