Sudden Clarity Clarence

Salsa is like Mexican ketchup

Salsa is like
 Mexican ketchup  Sudden Clarity Clarence

I have a truck and a John Deere I'm a fucking stereotype

I have a truck and a John Deere I'm a fucking stereotype  Sudden Clarity Clarence

What if therapist was a secret name for The Rapist

What if therapist was a secret name for                  The Rapist  Sudden Clarity Clarence

If reposts keep making it to the front page then the new redditors keep outnumbering the old ones.

If reposts keep making it to the front page then the new redditors keep outnumbering the old ones.  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Willy Wonka's chocolate factory tour was the original hunger games

Willy Wonka's chocolate factory tour  was the original hunger games  Sudden Clarity Clarence

kids born in 1997 can now drive

kids born in 1997 can now drive  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Fraternities are like gangs but for white people

Fraternities are like gangs
 but for white people  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Casinos have no clocks or windows So you can't tell how long you've been there

Casinos have no clocks or windows So you can't tell how long you've been there  Sudden Clarity Clarence

what if people who park like assholes aren't assholes at all just really stupid people

what if people who park like assholes aren't assholes at all  just really stupid people  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Jar jar binks is extremely racist

Jar jar binks is extremely racist   Sudden Clarity Clarence
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