Sudden Clarity Clarence

Gazpacho is v8 in a bowl

Gazpacho is v8 in a bowl  Sudden Clarity Clarence

If you leave the shower curtain open There's no curtain for a murderer to hide behind

If you leave the shower curtain open There's no curtain for a murderer to hide behind  Sudden Clarity Clarence

"After all the crap you've put me trough" Is a litteral expression when a mother tells it to her son

I've seen this meme a thousand times And I only just saw the crazy girl in the bottom left

I've seen this meme a thousand times And I only just saw the crazy girl in the bottom left  Sudden Clarity Clarence

People who make posts about karma whores are karma whoring

People who make posts about karma whores are karma whoring  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Holy Shit Karma isn't designed to make you feel good, it's designed to filter comments for other people

Holy Shit Karma isn't designed to make you feel good, it's designed to filter comments for other people   Sudden Clarity Clarence

To understand 90's Problems You'd need to be born in the 80's

To understand 90's Problems You'd need to be born in the 80's  Sudden Clarity Clarence

"Brave" Is "how to train your dragon" for girls

His name is Ted Because he's a teddy bear

His name is Ted Because he's a teddy bear  Sudden Clarity Clarence

unhooking a bra with one hand really is fort knox

unhooking a bra with one hand really is fort knox  Sudden Clarity Clarence
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