Sudden Clarity Clarence

recording data is just downloading the universe

recording data is just downloading the universe  Sudden Clarity Clarence

A cartwheel looks like a cart's wheel

A cartwheel looks like a cart's wheel  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Co-workers and roommates only push you to take medicine and get well so they don't get sick

Co-workers and roommates only push you to take medicine and get well  so they don't get sick  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Bee venom kills HIV Africanized bees are solving the AIDS crisis

Bee venom kills HIV Africanized bees are solving the AIDS crisis  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Karma is a pointless, arbitrary scoring system like prestiging in Call of Duty

Karma is a pointless, arbitrary scoring system like prestiging in Call of Duty  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Unless you are a hermaphrodite masturbation is a homosexual activity

Unless you are a hermaphrodite masturbation is a homosexual activity  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Hakuna Matata was the original Y.O.L.O.

Hakuna Matata was the original Y.O.L.O.  Sudden Clarity Clarence

If you don't reddit You don't get it

If you don't reddit You don't get it  Sudden Clarity Clarence

it's called your birthday suit because you are born naked

it's called your birthday suit because you are born naked  Sudden Clarity Clarence

NSFW links are upvoted so much because redditors don't work

NSFW links are upvoted so much
 because redditors don't work  Sudden Clarity Clarence
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