Sudden Clarity Clarence

downvoting an australian post is actually upvoting it

downvoting an australian post is actually upvoting it  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Pocket lint Is just the remains of the dead pocket trolls that tangle headphones

Pocket lint Is just the remains of the dead pocket trolls that tangle headphones  Sudden Clarity Clarence

There were 5 golden tickets Not seven

There were 5 golden tickets Not seven  Sudden Clarity Clarence

The south park alien is in the back of the "you're gonna have a bad time" meme

The south park alien is in the back of the

The guy to my left is crying hysterically

The guy to my left is crying hysterically  Sudden Clarity Clarence

'Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby' Is about fellatio

'Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby' Is about fellatio  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Teletubbies are called teletubbies Because they have TVs on their stomachs

Teletubbies are called teletubbies Because they have TVs on their stomachs  Sudden Clarity Clarence

South Harmon Institue of Technology SHIT.

South Harmon Institue of Technology SHIT.  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Chinese girl wins miss world pageant Now every women in china must be happy since they all look the same

Chinese girl wins miss world pageant  Now every women in china must be happy since they all look the same  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Religion is a tax on people who can't do logic

Religion is a tax on people who can't do logic  Sudden Clarity Clarence
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