Sudden Clarity Clarence

Most of these memes are painfully obvious!

Most of these memes are painfully obvious!  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Orangered is the color of upvotes. Periwinkle is the color of downvotes. This whole battle was rigged from the start

Orangered is the color of upvotes. Periwinkle is the color of downvotes. This whole battle was rigged from the start  Sudden Clarity Clarence

we only worry about the future because it will be the present at some point

we only worry about the future
 because it will be the present at some point  Sudden Clarity Clarence

gas prices are going up because cars are becoming more efficient

gas prices are going up because cars are becoming more efficient    Sudden Clarity Clarence

Adjusting a bra Is the female equivalent of scratching your balls

Adjusting a bra Is the female equivalent of scratching your balls   Sudden Clarity Clarence

Scary Bilbo looks like Hannibal Lecter and a zombie from Plants vs Zombies combined

Scary Bilbo looks like Hannibal Lecter 
 and a zombie from Plants vs Zombies combined  Sudden Clarity Clarence

This Boston case to social media was as OJ chase to Cable News

This Boston case to social media was as OJ chase to Cable News  Sudden Clarity Clarence

The childrens tv car called "BRUM" Is called Brum as he is from birmingham.

The childrens tv car called

His name is Kenny McCormick because McCormick is a cheap brand of vodka

His name is Kenny McCormick because McCormick is a cheap brand of vodka  Sudden Clarity Clarence

The unopened safe is literally schrodinger's box If it's closed everything and anything is in there but when it's opened all of that disappears

The unopened safe is literally schrodinger's box If it's closed everything and anything is in there but when it's opened all of that disappears  Sudden Clarity Clarence
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