Sudden Clarity Clarence

SAT is on saturday because its SATurday

SAT is on saturday  because its SATurday  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Decent upvote ratio to get you there Once there, front page knocks the shit out of you until there is barely a majority that actually likes your OC

Decent upvote ratio to get you there Once there, front page knocks the shit out of you until there is barely a majority that actually likes your OC  Sudden Clarity Clarence

when Walter was training Gail to cook meth it was so Guss could send Gail to mexico to cook meth for the cartel.

when Walter was training Gail to cook meth  it was so Guss could send  Gail to mexico to cook meth for the cartel.  Sudden Clarity Clarence

cold calling in law school is just training for oral argument

cold calling in law school is just training for oral argument  Sudden Clarity Clarence

There are more digits in the number 10^(10^100) Than there are atoms in the universe

There are more digits in the number 10^(10^100) Than there are atoms in the universe  Sudden Clarity Clarence

"It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" is a parody of "Fox and Friends"

playlists are just modern day mixtapes

playlists are just  modern day mixtapes  Sudden Clarity Clarence

The movie is named castaway not because he was stuck on an island But because he was cast off by his family

The movie is named castaway not because he was stuck on an island But because he was cast off by his family  Sudden Clarity Clarence

I broke up with my girlfriend Exactly one year ago

I broke up with my girlfriend Exactly one year ago  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Celestia didn't use Discord's magic in Season 3 Finale She's using it in Season 4

Celestia didn't use Discord's magic in Season 3 Finale She's using it in Season 4  Sudden Clarity Clarence
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