Sudden Clarity Clarence

FlO-Rida is actually florida

FlO-Rida is actually florida   Sudden Clarity Clarence

"Prayer" is actually the Christian synonymising of the word "pity" so that they can openly pity themselves and everyone else blamelessly for the difficulties of everyday life

Imgur is pronounced imager

Imgur is pronounced imager   Sudden Clarity Clarence

Christmas music is just popular christian music

Christmas music is just popular christian music  Sudden Clarity Clarence

The Heisman Trophy ceremony is the Miss America Pageant for dudes

The Heisman Trophy ceremony is the Miss America Pageant for dudes  Sudden Clarity Clarence

the nursery rhyme humpty dumpty doesn't say anything about him being an egg

the nursery rhyme humpty dumpty doesn't say anything about him being an egg   Sudden Clarity Clarence

A kitchen is a personal chemistry lab

A kitchen is a personal 
chemistry lab   Sudden Clarity Clarence

you've been framed is just youtube for old people

you've been framed is just youtube for old people  Sudden Clarity Clarence

The NFL is today's mandingo fighting

The NFL is today's mandingo fighting   Sudden Clarity Clarence

If everything you see on reddit is a repost Then you spend too much time on reddit

If everything you see on reddit is a repost Then you spend too much time on reddit  Sudden Clarity Clarence
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