Sudden Clarity Clarence

Springs Are like miniature slinkies

Springs Are like miniature slinkies    Sudden Clarity Clarence

Ferengi are space jews

Ferengi are space jews  Sudden Clarity Clarence

My father-in-law gives me geeky stuff to play with so i have less time to "play" with his daughter

My father-in-law gives me geeky stuff to play with so i have less time to

Most medicine tastes bad So that kids don't try and drink too much of it

Most medicine tastes bad So that kids don't try and drink too much of it  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Breaking Bad is a show about drugs that gets you addicted to watching it

Breaking Bad is a show about drugs that gets you addicted to watching it  Sudden Clarity Clarence

I only have one arm

I only have one arm   Sudden Clarity Clarence

holy shit coffee cake is meant to be eaten with coffee, not taste like coffee

holy shit coffee cake is meant to be eaten with coffee, not taste like coffee  Sudden Clarity Clarence

the dentist from django unchained battles "candie"

the dentist from django unchained battles

OK is just a sideways stick figure

OK is just a sideways stick figure  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Twitter is just the new telegraph

Twitter is just the new telegraph  Sudden Clarity Clarence
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