Sudden Clarity Clarence

Oh My God It even has a water mark

Oh My God It even has a water mark  Sudden Clarity Clarence

reddit really likes the title "really?"

reddit really likes the title

"you're such a bad judge of character" OMG, you're friends with me

r/atheism is just a new r/circlejerk

r/atheism is just a new r/circlejerk  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Holy shit Jason russell was exhausted and dehydrated and was still able to masturbate

Holy shit Jason russell was exhausted and dehydrated and was still able to masturbate  Sudden Clarity Clarence

holy shit people at work are just as fucking stupid as they were in college

holy shit people at work are just as fucking stupid as they were in college  Sudden Clarity Clarence

What if Farugo is censere's second account

What if Farugo is censere's second account  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Oh my god there is an arrow on that fedex truck

Oh my god there is an arrow on that fedex truck  Sudden Clarity Clarence

"Gypped" is only a socially acceptable word because of the lack of gypsies around

Alex Clare's Song Too Close is about putting someone in the friendzone

Alex Clare's Song Too Close is about putting someone in the friendzone  Sudden Clarity Clarence
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