Successful Hipster Analyst

bought two pairs of boat shoes coworkers think i'm cool now

bought two pairs of boat shoes coworkers think i'm cool now  Successful Hipster Analyst

falcons lose in playoffs uchicago still ranked #4 university by u.s. news

falcons lose in playoffs uchicago still ranked #4 university by u.s. news  Successful Hipster Analyst

turned on tv to watch college basketball Wisconsin wasn't playing

turned on tv to watch college basketball Wisconsin wasn't playing  Successful Hipster Analyst

Formal Friday is tomorrow The kids section of Urban Outfitters is having a sale

Formal Friday is tomorrow The kids section of Urban Outfitters is having a sale  Successful Hipster Analyst

rails against the hard right is an sec fan

rails against the hard right is an sec fan  Successful Hipster Analyst

Cancels lunch plans with co-workers last minute secretly wanted to get lunch with bharti anyway

Cancels lunch plans with co-workers last minute secretly wanted to get lunch with bharti anyway   Successful Hipster Analyst

Talked to a coworker the conversation didn't end in a stupid argument

Talked to a coworker the conversation didn't end in a stupid argument  Successful Hipster Analyst

put "chess" as an interest on resume still got the job

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