Successful Black Man

I Got A Fat Cock Er Spaniel for my daughter's birthday

I Got A Fat Cock Er Spaniel for my daughter's birthday  Successful Black Man

I don't have a job Because i'm a lazy nigger!

I don't have a job Because i'm a lazy nigger!  Successful Black Man

i slashed their tires prices at that goodyear franchise i bought

i slashed their tires prices at that goodyear franchise i bought  Successful Black Man

protect ya neck the sun is stronger than you think

protect ya neck the sun is stronger than you think  Successful Black Man

I drive in the HOV lane by myself

I drive in the HOV lane by myself  Successful Black Man

I'll shoot you a text about making that charitable donation.

I'll shoot you a text about making that charitable donation.  Successful Black Man

i'm addicted to crack snapple, and the pop i hear each morning over my rice krispies

i'm addicted to crack snapple, and the pop i hear each morning over my rice krispies  Successful Black Man

Check out that ass istants progress report

Check out that ass istants progress report  Successful Black Man

I will assrape you Online in a game of MW3

I will assrape you Online in a game of MW3  Successful Black Man

Totally screwed that virgin olive oil cap back onto the bottle

Totally screwed that virgin olive oil cap back onto the bottle  Successful Black Man
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