Successful Black Man

I Love Coke From Mexico Because they use real Sugar

I Love Coke From Mexico Because they use real Sugar  Successful Black Man

got my master's degree in fucking hos and robbin niggas

got my master's degree in fucking hos and robbin niggas  Successful Black Man

You have a lot of potential Space in your brain

You have a lot of potential Space in your brain  Successful Black Man

Yo Frank This shit rigged

Yo Frank This shit rigged   Successful Black Man

My friend asked me to try some grass cultivating tips, they were great

My friend asked me to try some grass cultivating tips, they were great  Successful Black Man

I'm gunna shoot everyone in my office An email, fax and text consisting of this years tax and profit quota

I'm gunna shoot everyone in my office  An email, fax and text consisting of this years tax and profit quota   Successful Black Man

Im going home to beat my wife At monoploy

Im going home to beat my wife At monoploy  Successful Black Man

I too killed my sister's boyfriend at badmitton

I too killed my sister's boyfriend  at badmitton   Successful Black Man

i bought some meth ylated spirts to start my sons camp stove

i bought some meth ylated spirts to start my sons camp stove  Successful Black Man

I got hoes and lawnmowers for my new landscaping business.

I got hoes and lawnmowers for my new landscaping business.  Successful Black Man
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