Successful Black Man

Ladies love my huge cock -er spaniel statuette collection

Ladies love my huge cock -er spaniel statuette collection  Successful Black Man

TIME FOR A DRIVE BY the office to drop off some paperwork

TIME FOR A DRIVE BY the office to drop off some paperwork  Successful Black Man

Don't touch my kool-aid stocks, they've been very profitable in the third quarter.

Don't touch my kool-aid stocks, they've been very profitable in the third quarter.  Successful Black Man

Wu Tang Is For the Children Whose Parents Don't Protect Them From Inappropriate Music

Wu Tang Is For the Children Whose Parents Don't Protect Them From Inappropriate Music  Successful Black Man

I've got a huge package of my wife's favorite chocolates that I am giving to her because she is having a bad day.

I've got a huge package of my wife's favorite chocolates that I am giving to her because she is having a bad day.  Successful Black Man

just got some pussy cat doll tickets for my daughter.

just got some pussy cat doll tickets for my daughter.  Successful Black Man

I Just Shanked My Drive off the 1st tee

I Just Shanked My Drive off the 1st tee  Successful Black Man

I have aids that are telling me the capital gains bill is DOA

I have aids that are telling me the capital gains bill is DOA  Successful Black Man

Racism is acceptable when it's a joke

Racism is acceptable when it's a joke  Successful Black Man

I'm so high on the corporate ladder.

I'm so high on the corporate ladder.    Successful Black Man
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