Successful Black Man

fuck the police officer's layoffs and reduced salaries

fuck the police officer's layoffs and reduced salaries  Successful Black Man

I'm Gonna Light up My mind with Greek thought

I'm Gonna Light up My mind with Greek thought  Successful Black Man

Lady, don't make me hit you with a lawsuit for spanking my child without my permission

Lady, don't make me hit you with a lawsuit for spanking my child without my permission  Successful Black Man

We all have dope -amine deficiencies in my family so if you need some sleep aids don't hesitate to ask

We all have dope -amine deficiencies in my family so if you need some sleep aids don't hesitate to ask  Successful Black Man

please put down the whip you've already ruined my apple pie with copious amounts of the stuff

please put down the whip you've already ruined my apple pie with copious amounts of the stuff  Successful Black Man

Pass me that bowl for my cereal. breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Pass me that bowl for my cereal. breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Successful Black Man

You won't see the light of day for about 30 seconds, after which I'll have completed your laser surgery and you'll see 20/20

You won't see the light of day for about 30 seconds, after which I'll have completed your laser surgery and you'll see 20/20  Successful Black Man

You better check yourself into the hospital so that you can get that wound taken care of before it gets worse

You better check yourself into the hospital so that you can get that wound taken care of before it gets worse  Successful Black Man

I'm going to leave you some money so you can buy some food while I'm at work

I'm going to leave you some money so you can buy some food while I'm at work  Successful Black Man


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