Successful Black Man

I love Getting High scores on my finals

I love Getting High scores on my finals  Successful Black Man

I'll pop off that jar lid if it's too tight

I'll pop off that jar lid if it's too tight  Successful Black Man

i steal tv's because i am black

i steal tv's because i am black  Successful Black Man

I got coke in my nose from laughing so hard

I got coke in my nose from laughing so hard  Successful Black Man

I love xzibit- ing my child's artwork on the refrigerator.

I love xzibit- ing my child's artwork on the refrigerator.   Successful Black Man

Man I'm gonna pop a cap Off your bottle of beer

Man I'm gonna pop a cap Off your bottle of beer  Successful Black Man

Gimme some head and Shoulders shampoo for my kids

Gimme some head and Shoulders shampoo for my kids  Successful Black Man

i like to sell drugs down at the pharmacy

i like to sell drugs down at the pharmacy  Successful Black Man

I've got 5 children Artists signed to my music label

I've got 5 children Artists  signed to my music label  Successful Black Man

I told her she better swallow after she chewed thoroughly so she wouldn't choke again at the restaurant

I told her she better swallow after she chewed thoroughly so she wouldn't choke again at the restaurant  Successful Black Man
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